25 Days to Better Drawings: The core concepts to drawing - one day at a time
About this Course
Learn a new drawing concept and skill every day for 25 days. Each drawing concept taught includes a short drawing exercise (less than one hour) that reinforces the concept. Students can go through the course in sequential order or take the course at their leisure, taking each day as they find time. Each day includes a "Daily Mindset", drawing lesson, and downloadable ebook.
What You'll Learn:
- How to balance observation with mark making.
- How to loosen up for greater accuracy in your drawings.
- How to break complex subjects down into easy to draw shapes.
- How to use variety in line to create the illusion of form and light through line quality.
- How the concept of cross contour lines can help us to better understand the form of a subject and determine directional stroking when adding shading to a drawing.
- How to apply the concept of cross contour lines to shading using hatching and cross hatching.
- How to use value to create the illusion of light and form in a drawing.
- How to use value to create the illusion of texture in a drawing.
- How to create the illusion of space in your drawings using five simple devices.
- How to draw with one, two, and three point perspective.
- How to use sighting, measuring, and mapping to ensure greater accuracy in your drawings.
- How to recognize positive and negative space (shapes) to ensure greater accuracy in your drawings.
- How to use a formulaic approach to drawing a face from observation or imagination by understanding the general locations and proportions of the face.
- How to use the grid technique to accurately capture any subject in a drawing when working from a photo reference.
- How to draw the human figure quickly and with accuracy using a simple four-step approach to gesture drawing.

Course Curriculum
Not all of us prefer to learn from watching videos. Some of us prefer to learn from books as well as videos, so ebooks are included as well. This course has been developed to accelerate learning by teaching to many different learning styles. Each course module includes an illustrated ebook that corresponds with the video. Every step and concept is clearly illustrated and described in each ebook.

What Students Say
"Wow! The difference between my before and after are amazing. Thank you for assembling this course. I really enjoyed how things were broken into small pieces to practice." -Brandi
"This course was soooo helpful. When I started drawing a couple years ago, I joined a continuous class at a local college where we drew a different object during every class. Everyone’s skill level was so different that it was kind of like jumping into a pool and if you didn’t drown, you learned to swim. I never got the fundamentals in a logical easy-to-understand sequence with demonstrations, which is exactly what this course is – along with your other courses. I’ve viewed several of them, and my work takes quantum leaps with every one. Thanks so much for how much you’ve helped my drawings because you’re teaching me to see differently." -Caryl
"I just finished this course and this makes the 6th completed course I have taken so far. This course, along with the other five has been amazing! I can’t thank you enough. Each course is so chock full of information and presented in such an organized way, so as to make learning each skill much easier." -Georgiana
"Wow, Matt, this has been exhilarating. The course was very detailed and easy to follow. By the time I reached 24th exercise already could see the big difference in my drawing. Thank you." -Marina
"Thank you so much for this class! I just finished my “after” drawing. My observation and drawing skills have improved significantly. I am so grateful to have taken this course and look forward to choosing and starting the next class." -Claudia