The Watercolor Workshop: Paint with confidence.
About this Course
"The Watercolor Workshop" video course is a comprehensive learning experience designed to provide the student with the most comprehensive approach to watercolor painting through easy to understand modules that include videos and Ebooks.
What You'll Learn:
- The basic materials, tools, and surfaces for painting with watercolor.
- How to apply watercolor using a variety of techniques and approaches.
- How to mix colors and use color theory in your paintings.
- How to create strong compositions in your paintings.
- How to paint loosely with watercolor.
- How to paint landscapes with watercolors.
- How to paint a cityscape and create the illusion of space by manipulating values and intensities.
- How to paint a portrait with watercolors.
- How to use watercolor pencils.
- How to mix watercolor with pastel, pastel pencils, and ink.
- How to paint with gouache (opaque watercolor).
- How to mat and frame your paintings.

Course Curriculum
Not all of us prefer to learn from watching videos. Some of us prefer to learn from books as well as videos, so ebooks are included as well. This course has been developed to accelerate learning by teaching to many different learning styles. Each course module includes an illustrated ebook that corresponds with the video. Every step and concept is clearly illustrated and described in each ebook.

What Students Say
"Your website is the greatest asset a beginning artist could have. The amount of information is phenomenal. Just discovered the search engine on the blog! Thank you! So many things I want to try." -Julie
"Thanks for this course. It’s been extremely helpful, as have some of the other courses on your site, and has given me the courage to continue to develop and grow. Very well done!" -Ralph
"Matt, I am a grandmother who has taken a LOT of courses over my lifetime. This is, by far, the most user friendly being online, very complete, affordable, and encouraging. You have made this a wonderful experience, no hassles, no fuss, it’s up to the individual to do what they want with the material offered. And the material offered is so patiently presented, and thorough. With practice, anyone can learn to draw, paint, use colored pencils, pastels, all you have to offer. Even now, with the two courses I have purchased and downloaded, I am so energized once more to practice and move forward. Love what you are doing, and thank you." -Michele