Pastel Landscape Mastery: Matting and Framing
This course features:
3 Hours of Instruction
15 Videos
14 eBooks
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Lesson Description
A look at matting and framing pastel artworks. Learn how to protect, mat and frame pastel drawings.
Lesson Materials
Mat cutter (optional), utility knife, mat board, a frame, yard or meter stick, kneaded eraser, pencil, double-sided archival adhesive. extra mat board or foam core.
Lesson Resources
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Course Curriculum
Lesson 1: Introduction and Materials (4:34)Lesson 2: Landscape Structure and Atmospheric Perspective (13:52)Lesson 3: The Sky (8:08)Lesson 4: Trees and Foliage (31:59)Lesson 5: Rocks in the Landscape (22:58)Lesson 6: Architectural Elements (18:57)Lesson 7: Water (20:23)Lesson 8: Silhouettes (16:06)Lesson 9: Technique - Dry Wash (9:33)Lesson 10: Technique - Wet Wash (10:04)Lesson 11: Technique - Scumbling (11:24)Lesson 12: Technique - Feathering (13:48)Lesson 13: Oil Pastels (26:23)Lesson 14: Matting and Framing (10:54)Lesson 15: Conclusion (2:21)
How should I frame pastel board?museum series panel….12 x 16 ampersand thanks…I really enjoy this online program by the way..and I would love to share my art work but I don’t understand how to get into that area..I have an I pad is that why?
Hi Scott,
I emailed you directions on sharing your work on the forum. Framing will be the same, just be sure to leave a bit of space between the glass and the work. Using a “riser” under the matt will help with creating enough space.
And also do I need to spray fix on the board like the paper….
Before I watch this video was “How could I frame my pastel drawings” but after the video I know
how to do it.
Thanks Matt your program is great!
Victor Contreras Sr.
Should you spray final fixative (the kind you use for charcoal) on the pastel picture when completed?
Regarding matting and framing of pastel paintings. Can I overspray the finished pastel painting with a light coat of fixatif or a light coat of Krylon matte acrylic spray to fix the pastel to the paper and avoid dust? I’ve found that I get better results using fixatif lightly, but the Krylon acrylic spray works also IF and ONLY IF I spray very lightly. It might be possible to spray several times but also very lightly and from a distance of about 10-12″. Allow to dry thoroughly before spraying again. DO NOT SPRAY HEAVILY! I tape or pin the painting to a piece of cardboard to prevent warping. I find that the overspray not only affixes the pastel but also intensifies the colors.