Pastel Landscape Mastery: Matting and Framing

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Lesson Description

A look at matting and framing pastel artworks. Learn how to protect, mat and frame pastel drawings.

Lesson Materials

Mat cutter (optional), utility knife, mat board, a frame, yard or meter stick, kneaded eraser, pencil, double-sided archival adhesive. extra mat board or foam core.

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Lesson Discussion

  1. How should I frame pastel board?museum series panel….12 x 16 ampersand thanks…I really enjoy this online program by the way..and I would love to share my art work but I don’t understand how to get into that area..I have an I pad is that why?

    • Hi Scott,

      I emailed you directions on sharing your work on the forum. Framing will be the same, just be sure to leave a bit of space between the glass and the work. Using a “riser” under the matt will help with creating enough space.

  2. Before I watch this video was “How could I frame my pastel drawings” but after the video I know
    how to do it.
    Thanks Matt your program is great!
    Victor Contreras Sr.

  3. Regarding matting and framing of pastel paintings. Can I overspray the finished pastel painting with a light coat of fixatif or a light coat of Krylon matte acrylic spray to fix the pastel to the paper and avoid dust? I’ve found that I get better results using fixatif lightly, but the Krylon acrylic spray works also IF and ONLY IF I spray very lightly. It might be possible to spray several times but also very lightly and from a distance of about 10-12″. Allow to dry thoroughly before spraying again. DO NOT SPRAY HEAVILY! I tape or pin the painting to a piece of cardboard to prevent warping. I find that the overspray not only affixes the pastel but also intensifies the colors.

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