The Colored Pencil Course: Portrait Drawing - Part 1

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Lesson Discussion

  1. This is the main reason I become a member, I have done many faces in graphite pencils but now I want to progress to doing faces with color pencils. These videos are very helpful in getting me started. Also I have always drawn the eyes first myself and worked out. I love drawing eyes.

  2. Hi James. . . . .I too have done mostly pencil portraits and now after watching Matt’s video’s I’m trying to do my first portrait in CP. Starting with the eyes, not too many problems, but I’m doing a baby, well actually, a toddler, and the skin tones are quite a bit different than the model Matt used. I’m wondering what colour I can use for the darker shadings on the baby’s face. . . . .dark umber seems a bit harsh! Have you got any suggestions?
    I’ll be watching for your portrait in CP!!

  3. I realize I’m in the trial period, but I would still like to know how you download or print the still life of wine bottles, or the dog picture in the texture lesson. Thanks, Doug

    • Hi Doug, In the description boxes under the video embeds, you’ll see blue text that reads “Photo Reference”. If you’ll click on that text, it will open the photo reference for you.

  4. hi matt,
    wanted to know if i can use my own portrait- (my daughter’s ,color/black & white)as a photo ref.?n
    got my prisma colors by the way…much better than koh-i-noor.

  5. matt,
    my ?? is :when using my daughter’s color photo as ref.: i have the judgement to choice the rt skin tone colors and eye-lip ,etc. colors???
    2. if i don’t do this exactly module #13-14 with this portrait pic ref./experiencing the “how dos” step by step…will i
    be able to transfer your knowledge/teaching going along with my portrait…??
    thank you for your patience,

    • Hi Raquel,

      1. I believe you do. You may have to experiment to find the right combinations for your subject.
      2. You can pick up the tips that are covered in the module and apply them to your own work. This is the point! You are the artist!

  6. hey matt,
    want to pass this along…..bostitch twist n sharp (sharpener)
    @ walmart.

    It is incredible and so inexpensive.!!!for real…

  7. Hi Matt,
    Could you please explain the different grey pencils? What does the 70% mean? I can’t find anything that explains on the Prismacolor website.

  8. Hi. I am trying to follow along but have trouble with identifying the colors used, the beige color in particular. What is the color number is the beige color(Faber Castell color chat). I am currently using the Lyra Rembrandt polycolor. Can you suggest the equivalent color for the beige color refered in this video? If not what is the Faber Castell color number?

  9. I am glad that you are using a reference drawing of a person of color. Your graphite portrait drawings were Causasian. Half of my family are from Asia (Asia has people of many different facial types and skin color)

  10. Portrait drawing can be an emotional experience. I recently finished a portrait of my father tenderly holding my young grandson. When I snapped the reference picture, I did not realize that it woud be the last time I would see my father alive. While I was working on the portrait, I only then noticed how his face had become so gaunt. Since I was working on the picture as a present for my mother, I debated whether to remove evidence of his weight loss.

  11. Hi Maureen,
    Do you know you can pause the video? There is also a step by step illustrated ebook that goes along with this lesson that shows you every step of the process.

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