The Acrylic Painting Academy: Glazing - Part 1

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Lesson Description

Part one of a series on glazing, a process in which translucent applications of color are applied over a monochromatic underpainting. The background is addressed in this module.

Lesson Materials

Stretched canvas, acrylic paints (Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine, Phthalo Blue, Titanium White, Sap Green, Indian Yellow Hue), various nylon brushes, water, glazing medium.

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Lesson Discussion

    • Hi Denise,

      You can try it if you like, but you may run into unexpected results. The glazing fluid has an acrylic binder, while gouache has a gum binder. It may be better to thin the gouache with water.

  1. HI Matt,

    Can this technique be applied to Still life objects too? I had the impression that this is better for Landscape only to create the illusion of the atmosphere, but I’m not sure. Thanks.

  2. I also would like to know, I have been using the Acrylic Glazing Liquid ( Satin) Golden for direct painting (Layering and Wet-on-wet technique). Is it a good one for this technique or not? Thank you again!!! Amazing class!

  3. I’ve been using this technique with ink for some time. Now I learn how to do it with acrylics – great! I found that with ink, one needs only black and three primaries to get any color desired. So I use only yellow, cyan, magenta, and black ink. I guess in acrylics this is also applicable.

  4. Could yellow ochre be subbed for Indian yellow? Or for this lesson just use the exact colors?

    While self isolating, these lessons are wonderful.

    • Hi Kari,

      The issue with substituting Yellow Ochre for Indian Yellow isn’t with the color – it’s with the translucency of the paint. If you’re using Indian yellow as a glaze, then the paint needs to be translucent to work as a glaze. Yellow Ochre is opaque and will not perform very well as a glaze.

  5. Thank you.
    I have a set of Winsor &Newton Professional acrylics. The yellows in my set are cadmium lemon, azo yellow medium, lemon yellow, and yellow ochre.
    Looks like I need to make a trip to my fav online “candy store” for new paints.
    While I’m at it. What are the best brushes to use? so I can get more if I need them.
    Final question. Can one usethe salt technique of watercolors for creating special effects in acrylic paints?

  6. I am attempting Part 1 glazing. When I mix the first green you mix it comes out more like olive green. I am using Indian Yellow instead of Indian Yellow Hue. Is that potentially the problem?
    Thanks, Tilly

    • Hi Tilly,

      Indian Yellow and Indian Yellow Hue will produce the same results. “Hue” just means that the color has been mixed. If your green is too “olive” then try mixing more blue. Olive green is really a yellow-green.

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