The Acrylic Painting Academy: Painting with a Knife

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This course features:
4 Hours of Instruction
15 Videos
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Lesson Description

Knife painting with acrylics. A look at using painting knifes to apply thick applications of color, resulting in an "impasto" surface and implied details.

Lesson Materials

Stretched canvas, acrylic paints (Titanium White, Sap Green, Indian Yellow Hue, Cerulean Blue, Alizarin Crimson, Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Light), various painting knives, and a cloth.

Lesson Resources

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Lesson Discussion

  1. love the texture of knife painting. Have you tried a heavy texture, brush or knife, with gouache? Seems like it would work, thoughts?
    Ended up using this tutorial with pan pastels. Turned out nicely, put a field of wild irises in the dark area of foreground.
    As always, thanks for the superb lesson.

  2. Hi Matt! Loved the Acrylic Painting Academy :).
    Unfortunately, seems that “Painting with a knife” video isn’t playable. can you please check?

  3. I love to paint impasto suing adding gel thickeners and sculpting medium. as well. Great class! I learned a lot and am eager to start a new painting. Love how you taught how to create the values in this type of painting. Thank you!!

    I am in France so a little harder to do the live. classes timewise.

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