Animals with Pastels: Dog
Course Curriculum
Lesson Description
In this lesson series, we’ll create a representational drawing of a Golden Retriever with soft pastels and pastel pencils on Canson Mi-Teintes pastel paper.
Lesson 1 - Introduction and Transfer
In lesson one, we'll review the materials used for this lesson series and transfer the image to our drawing surface.
Lesson 2 - Underpainting
In lesson two, we'll create an underpainting using only a few colors. We'll gently blend the colors together to create a suitable base for developing details.
Lesson 3 - Developing Details
In lesson three, we'll begin developing the details by addressing the eye, the ear, and portions of the neck using pastel pencils and pastel sticks.
Lesson 4 - Finishing Touches
In lesson four, we'll complete the drawing by addressing the remaining areas including the collar, face, nose, and mouth.

Lesson Materials
- Rembrandt Soft Pastels
- Dark Green Canson Mi-Teintes Pastel Paper
- Pastel Pencils
- PanPastels
Lesson Resources
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Reference Image
Finished Drawing
Can you use an oil pastel in this lesson?
Hi Jennifer,
Yes, but keep in mind that oil pastels are a different medium and will not behave in the same manner.
This is fabulous! Thank for creating this series
You bet – Thanks Jessie!
Hi Matt, love your work,just wondering were I can get the dog transfer for the pastel picture. cheers Anne.
Hi Anne,
Click on the “Resources” tab under the video and you’ll find a link to open up the reference image.
Hi Mat,
Thank you for amazing lessons and courses. I’m practicing since last may and made some nice art pieces. I am also a member of the community but I can’t comment on any artwork or upload any of my files. I’ve emailed you but didn’t get any feedback. Could you please advice?
Thank you
Hi Azam,
It’s hard to say why your uploads aren’t working. Are you uploading here… Also be sure that your files are the correct format and are not over the maximum file size.
What happened to the downloadable videos that were available last year for each class?
Hi Lola,
Video file download links were removed in July due to piracy and abuse. You can more about this here…
Quick question…I dont have any soft pastels, I have panpastels and pitt pastel pencils, can I use the panpastels for the underpainting instead?
I have a assignment to paint in watercolor a Labradoodle. Is there some class one will take or do you help with the painting? New Student (today)
Hi Robert,
You may try this lesson…
Love this class, but was wondering what makes you decide which color to start a project with? If you are making the underpainting, how do you decide what colors to use? How do you know which colors will work together? Trial and error? For instance, I was watching another person do a pastel drawing of a landscape with trees. She used purple to underpaint the green trees with. I would have never thought to use purple.
I would like to know the same, Brenda!
Well Matt I am finally going to attempt this beautiful tutorial, I have had 2 sugerys so haven’t done anything with art lately…hoping to share it with you soon.
I have that very pad of Canson Mi-Tientes assorted colors; but there is no dark green. Is there a different pad that has dark green?
Pan pastel is very expensive in my area. Can I grind pastel sticks to powder and use it instead?
Hi Guy,
Yes, or just use traditional pastel sticks.