Well there are several possible answers to this question. Determining the reason why you’re not selling your artwork is the first step in actually making a sale, if you haven’t made on yet. For many artists not making any sales or very little sells, can be quite demoralizing. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why your art may not be selling.
Reason #1 – You need more practice
This reason is pretty harsh, but it needs to be recognized. Take a look at what some other artists in your target market are creating. Is your work on the same skill level as theirs? If not, then you may need to spend a little more time practicing and get your work to that level.
Reason #2 – You have not targeted the right niche
Okay, so you’ve determined that your work is quality, but you’re still not making those sells. Perhaps you haven’t targeted the right niche or any niche at all.
Take a look at your portfolio. Is it all over the place with a variety of subject matter and media? If so, then you need to target a niche. Pick your favorite subject matter or media and develop ten works in that niche. Then your customers will know exactly what to expect from you.
Reason #3 – You do not have enough exposure
So, your work is quality and it can be categorized into a specific category, but it’s still not selling.
Do people know about your work? Have you visited galleries and asked about showing your work? Have you exhibited at local arts and crafts shows? Have you passed out cards and advertised in papers and magazines? Do you have a website? Do you need an agent?
Sometimes exposure is everything. If people don’t know about you, then they definitely won’t be buying any artwork from you. Sometimes it’s okay to “toot your own horn”. Let the world know how great you are.
Reason #4 – You have overpriced yourself
Your art is quality within a specific niche and you’ve got great exposure, but your art is still not selling. Perhaps you’ve overpriced yourself. Sure, wealthy art collectors will pay quite a bit for original works of art. But in reality, most of us aren’t wealthy art collectors.
Maybe you are charging more than people are willing to pay. Pricing your artwork can be pretty tricky and finding a nice balance between your efforts and your rewards can be a hard thing to do. But if your art isn’t selling, it may be time to lower your rates a bit.
Not interested in lowering your rates for original art?
Check out the print market. You could try creating prints of your original art. Many people can afford prints and are more willing to pay for them. Plus, if you have a work that is appealing to a large audience, you could end up selling lots of prints and make quite a bit from one painting or drawing.
All of these are common reasons art doesn’t sell. Any apply to you?
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