The Oil Pastel Course: A painterly approach to drawing.
About this Course
In this course, we explore the foundations and techniques for drawing and "painting" with oil pastels. Each module is presented in logically sequenced video series. Each lesson builds on the last, easing you gently into more complex concepts.
What You'll Learn:
- The basic materials, tools, and surfaces for creating with oil pastels.
- Basic application techniques including layering, blending, mixing and scumbling.
- The basics of color theory and mixing and how to apply color theory to an oil pastel drawing.
- How to draw using observational mapping techniques.
- How to develop a simple still life drawing with a monochromatic color scheme.
- How to use contrast to create colorful oil pastel drawings that pop.
- How to build up layered applications with oil pastels to produce a textured, impasto-like surface that resembles a painting.
- How to develop a landscape drawing with oil pastels that features rich textures and interesting skies.
- How to draw a portrait with oil pastels that incorporates a specific color scheme of contrasting colors.

Course Curriculum
Not all of us prefer to learn from watching videos. Some of us prefer to learn from books as well as videos, so ebooks are included as well. This course has been developed to accelerate learning by teaching to many different learning styles. Each course module includes an illustrated ebook that corresponds with the video. Every step and concept is clearly illustrated and described in each ebook.

What Students Say
"Omg! Thank you sooo much for these beautiful and helpful lessons! I am so happy you are doing these flowers as I have some flowers of my own I wanted to paint. This is an amazing lesson and you have been so inspiring to me. THANK YOU! PS_ I have mentioned I became an artist when Pandemic and you and Ashley have been the best teachers ever and my motivation to keep painting every single day. These lessons always make my days the happiest! and the Virtual Instructor and its the best thing that ever happened to me." -Susana
"I really appreciate the way, the use of each and every new medium introduced starts right from the very beginning, so one can just dive in where it seems most appropriate to oneself. Thank you so much for all the effort and time, you put in each lesson." -Buddy
"Thank you for doing this course. I am very excited about it as I have just discovered this medium and enjoy your instruction. I have learned so much from your site." -Sharon
"I’m so thrilled that there is now a specific course dedicated to oil pastels. I have been waiting for an art establishment (online or local) to feature this underrated/unrepresented art material. Thank you so much!" -Con