Portrait Drawing The Smart Way: The Eye - Frontal View

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Lesson Discussion

  1. great video! my eye turned out perfect. so proud of myself! the only problem is i don’t have white charcoal. besides that its beautiful!

  2. I have improved more in the few days that I have been taking these lessons than I did in a month of trying to relearn the drawing skills that I lost due to Traumatic Brain Injury. As Karonne said, “I am proud of myself.” Thank You. If you can teach these elderly brain damaged student, you can instruct anyone to become a proficient artist.

  3. Making my way through this course, slowly but surely. Pastel portraits call me, but I need these basics. Drawing the details, learning the shadowing & planes etc.
    Thanks Matt.

  4. This was a great lesson. I really like the way my drawing came out. I enjoy drawing eyes and usually start a drawing with the eyes. If I can get them right then the rest seems to follow. Thanks Matt

  5. Hello Matt
    This is so good and has helped me a lot, but I’m struggling when the scale is much smaller. Might you have something on your site that addresses facial features in graphite when the scale is small? Thanks

    • Hi Genevieve,

      The modules that come later in the course do cover drawing eyes on a smaller scale. Look for the modules that cover the complete portrait drawing process.

  6. A year or so ago I took a portrait drawing class and until last week I was still confused. Last week I committed to sit down and go through your portrait drawing course step by step. This morning, after work, I finished the eye frontal view and I have gained so much understanding and confidence. Finally, a teacher not a mystic. Thank you.

    My only wishes, now, are that soon I can go out a buy better paper and that the price of oil paints get cheaper. Until then, I guess I’ll take the water color course.

  7. Hi Matt. Ilove your lesson on the Frontal View ofthe eye, it is with more pratice and observing the subject detail will help me with more lifelike drawings. Thank you, Matt

  8. Is Mixed Media paper bad for portrait drawing with graphite. Sometimes when I blend it looks spoltchy looking because of the dips in the paper. And if I blend harder to try to get in the grooves dark spots smears pop up. Is it me or is it the paper?

    • Hi Crystal,
      I would recommend using a different surface for graphite drawing. Most multi-media surfaces are made so that they can accept liquid applications – like paint. Some people will like working on textured surfaces, but it sounds like you are after smoother transitions of value and more control. Have you tried Bristol paper with the Vellum surface?

  9. Also I noticed you highlight more using a white pencil, is that more efficient for detail then using an electric eraser in your opinion? Or is it just preference. I have so many questions, so happy to finally get some answers! Thanks 😊

    • Hi Crystal,
      In this course, all of the drawings are created on toned paper. When working on a paper that is not white (or black), you’ll need something to develop the light values. This is why a white charcoal pencil is used. When you work on white paper, then an eraser should be sufficient for developing light values.

  10. This exercise was an eye-opener (no pun intended). I did have to modify your instructions and use a 4B and 6B to get the darker tones without burnishing the paper’s tooth. I did notice that alternating a light touch of B2 and the paper stub did prevent the unwanted glare/shine. Looking forward to the next exercise,

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