Oil Painting Master Series: Materials - Part 2

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This course features:
3 Hours of Instruction
19 Videos
17 eBooks
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Lesson Discussion

  1. For some reason on the courses, I cannot log into any of them. They all show that I have to pay for them. I thought all them were ‘free’ to members. Yesterday 8/11/2020 was the end of my trial session. What am I doing wrong? All ask me for name of course and payment information. I think I am logged in. An answer will be a healp.

    • Hi Lenora,

      Your account is active. You don’t need to log in to the courses, just the website. If you find that you have to log in on every page, please check and make sure cookies are enabled in your web browser. You cannot comment like you have here unless you are logged in.

  2. This is great information. I studied a Diploma of Visual Arts and our Australian Government axed a lot of the arts funding when I first started. Students from the previous year learnt all this but when I started this basic vital information was never taught to me. It annoys me that our Government does not recognize the importance of supporting the arts education sector.

  3. Haven’t even started the course, however I thought I’d mention that using plain glass as a palette isn’t the best idea. The last thing you want is to have your palette shatter while using it. If you must use glass at least be sure it’s tempered to help reduce the danger of breakage. You can find clear acrylic palettes for under $10 USD.

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