Live Lessons: "Waterfall Landscape" with Watercolor

This lesson series features:
4 Hours of Instruction
4 Videos
About This Lesson Series...
Join us as we develop a landscape with watercolors in this recorded Live Lesson series. We'll begin with the background and gradually work our way to the foreground using several strategies for creating the illusion of space.

Here's what you'll need...
- Watercolor Paper
- Watercolor Paints
- H Graphite Pencil
- Paper Towel
- Nylon Brushes
NO VIDEO. the lesson doesn’t do much without the video
Hi Dick,
The video is playing normally. Please make sure that you have a strong internet connection to watch the video.
Hi! Mat, what’s the difference painting with watercolor versus waterpencil. Would you get the same effect.
Hi Lisa,
Watercolor pencils are applied and then activated on the surface by adding water. Colors are mixed directly on the surface by layering. This creates a slightly different effect and many times the texture of the mark made with the pencil is still visible.
Ok thanks
Matt I have one more question. You have any tips on doing a self portrait.
first time trying the live lesson live. Can you see my comment? If so please let me know. Thanks Mary
This really is great! I have a problem to download Lesson Two’s video. No download link is to be found on page.
I mean the lessons are great!
HI Linda,
Click on the tab on the left to go to the second video in the series. You’ll see a link under the video which will take you to the download page for the second lesson.
I really like the effects of watercolor the bleeding
can create some interesting patterns that can actually
be a help with certain details like rocks, mountains,
and clouds etc.. great session Matt.
Thanks Jerry!
Matt love your work and I’m certainly learning a lot from you. I’m new to watercolour painting and love it.
Awesome, thanks Barb!
I wish I could see you mixing the colors from time to time to see the amounts of paint to water on the pallet
What size brushes?
What size brushes?
Very helpful as I prefer somewhat abstract or loose landscapes,especially if there are vague buildings included. Like the way you make your foliage; this is somewhat my Achilles heel, and you helped me a lot in this regard. More watercolor, please. Love your program. Tom