Live Lessons: "Sunrise" - Oils
About This Lesson Series...
In this lesson series, we create an oil painting of a sunrise over the beach with water-mixable oils.
Lesson 1 (1:06:45)
In lesson one, we begin work on the sky by gradually blending a transition from light blue to orange.
Lesson 2 (1:11:41)
In lesson two, we begin work on the clouds within the sky.
Lesson 3 (1:04:02)
In lesson three, we continue to refine the clouds in the sky by adding lighter and darker tones.
Lesson 4 (1:09:08)
In lesson four, we refine the clouds and light near the horizon line and block in the shape and color for the water.
Lesson 5 (1:04:10)
In lesson five, we begin work on the beach by blocking large shapes of color and value.
Lesson 6 (1:02:45)
In lesson six, we continue work on the beach.
Lesson 7 (21:52)
In lesson seven, we complete the painting by layering glazes.

Resources for this Lesson...
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Here's what you'll need...
- Canvas, Canvas Board, or Panel
- Water-Mixable Oils
- Bristle Brushes
- Medium
Hi Matt!
Just gotta tell ya!
It’s the very first time for me with oils and I have just
made the most beautiful mess!!
(by mess, well, i mean…ahem…i did not quite follow the rules, not even the pic much)
Well, I mean…I just couldn’t
help myself and it was so much fun….
kinda got carried away….(smiling!)
But I know we are not finished yet…
I know this is just the beginning of a beeautiful friendship with oils!
The panel back says ‘oil primed’ yet you said you painted a layer of acrylic over that. Am I missing something? I thought it was very bad to paint acrylics on top of an oil based layer.
Hi Laura,
Yes, you don’t want to apply water-based media over oil paint. This is because oil paint dries very slowly (sometimes weeks) and will prevent the water-based media from adhering to the surface. This canvas however is simply primed with an oil-based primer and was completely dry and wrapped in cellophane. There wasn’t a layer of oil paint on the surface when I applied the acrylic ground. If it were, it would have been catastrophic and the acrylics would not have laid on the surface or dried completely.
I use white gesso which is acrylic based and is used for this specific purpose.It can be purchased at any hobby shop or online or any other art supply store.
Hello Matt,
Please would you let me know what you do with any left over paint? Do you just wash it away? Also, how do you work out how much paint to load onto the Palette. I’m just a beginner and never used oils, in fact only just done one water colour at the evening class I attended and that didn’t go down too well.
Thank you. I enjoy your classes.
I was interested in this class, but cannot access the lessons or even ppt resource for steps. How come this is out of reach? I am enthusiastic about this site but frustrating to have walls up after I paid…
Hi Connie,
I’m not sure what you are referring to, but you were able to post on this page which means that you have access to it. The lessons are presented as videos above. You can go to the next video by clicking on the buttons beside the video or by clicking on the links under the lessons tab. There is not a PowerPoint presentation for this lesson. PowerPoints are only included as part of the Ultimate Lesson Plan lessons which are intended for teachers to use in their classrooms. This is a Live Lesson series which is a series of video lessons. There are no walls. You have access to everything.
What date are you doing the glazing?
Do we need water mixable oil or can I use traditional oil paints.
Hi Sahara,
You can definitely use traditional oils.
Where can I find the paint colors listed. Do I need to listen to the beginning and try to catch what colors. Under materials it just reads paint no specific colors.