Live Lessons: Scratchboard Bee

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This lesson series features:
9.5 Hours of Instruction
9 Videos

About This Lesson Series...

In this lesson series, we take a look at the medium of scratchboard. The process of creating imagery with scratchboard involves using special tools to remove ink from the surface revealing white underneath. In this series, we use scratchboard to create an image of a bee.

Lesson 1 (1:08:52)

In lesson one, we experiment with scratchboard, take a look at the tools and surfaces, and create a small sketch of a sphere. We also transfer the contour lines of the bee to the finished surface.

Lesson 2 (59:53)

In lesson two, we begin work on the bee. We begin adding details to head and scratch out parts of the background.

Lesson 3 (1:03:56)

In lesson three, we continue work on the bee, adding details to the thorax.

Lesson 4 (1:03:34)

In lesson four, we define the edges of the left side of the bee and create a bit of shadow underneath. We also begin work on the wings.

Lesson 5 (1:10:01)

In lesson five, we work on the wings of the bee, adding transparency and reflection with directional stroking and highlights.

Lesson 6 (1:05:39)

In lesson six, we complete the wings and begin work on the abdomen of the bee.

Lesson 7 (1:08:31)

In lesson seven, we continue work on the abdomen and hind legs.

Lesson 8 (1:04:05)

In lesson eight, we complete the abdomen and begin work on the foreground.

Lesson 9 (1:42:20)

In lesson nine, we complete the image by developing the foreground.

Scratchboard Art - Bee

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Finished Result

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Lesson Discussion

  1. Love scratchboard so thanks for this live lesson. Sorry that I cannot make the live lessons but Gettin’ Scetchy starts at 11.30pm and these live lessons start at 1.00am here in the UK and I cannot stay awake! So just watched the recording. Love insects also. I used the rainbow scratch-paper for this lesson – my bee looks cool.

  2. Just a note: With my scratchboard kit I received a little bottle of Indian Ink which they recommend to use if you need to correct anything. You just need time to let the ink dry.

    • Hi
      I’m from the UK and I’m having trouble getting scratchboard. I’m able to find scratch paper but was wondering if any fello UK people would be kind enough to point me in the right direction
      Thank you xx

      • Hi Sharon
        I have received my scratch-boards via an art subscription box but I find that the scratch paper works just as well. Have you tried the rainbow version? It gives lovely effects

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