Live Lessons: "Yellow Flowers" - Pastels

This lesson series features:
3 Hours of Instruction
3 Videos
About This Lesson Series...
A three-part series of lessons on drawing a landscape with soft pastels. Learn how to layer pastel applications to create the illusion of space and depth. This series explores a looser, more painterly approach to using pastels.

Here's what you'll need...
- Toned Pastel Paper
- Soft Pastels
Because I am diabetic and test 4 or 5 times a day, the ends of my fingers have become very rough. Consequently when I blend, I automatically also get texture…neat heh but not recommended as a method. Maybe that’s why I like pastels so much.
I don’t know what kind of camera you use to film but it would be a great help if you could lock your focus so that it didn’t try and refocus when you move your hands…
This is a beautiful picture, Matt! I too love pastels and how they look so much like a painting. Another great lesson! I could watch you paint and draw all day