Live Lessons: Marsh Landscape with Pastels

About This Lesson Series...
In this lesson series, we create a drawing of a marsh landscape with pastels. Pastels are applied to develop the landscape from the top to the bottom of the picture plane. This order is important due to the opaque characteristics of pastels. We can layer over the top of applications already in place.
Lesson 1 (1:07:54)
In lesson one, we develop the sky and establish the distant trees on the horizon.
Lesson 2 (1:08:43)
In lesson two, we work down below the horizon and begin developing the marsh.
Lesson 3 (1:02:45)
In lesson three, we continue work on the upper middle ground and add the tall trees on the right side of the picture plane.
Lesson 4 (1:03:04)
In lesson four, we develop details in the middle ground using pastel pencils.
Lesson 5 (1:04:47)
In lesson five, we reach the bottom 1/3 of the picture plane, continuing to develop the details of the grasses.
Lesson 6 (1:11:08)
In lesson six, we complete the drawing.

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Found you!
Numbers just refer to the colors.
So sorry about covid.
Hi Matt, I had some trouble with Kidney stones myself. after a few months of tests and ultrasounds it turned out to be my parathyroids. After having two of the four removed all is well.
Foam Pipe insulation works great for blending!
Dear Matt,
I just finished this wonderful landscape. Had a great time and the with your explanations, my version turned out great. My husbands wants me to get it framed.
Thank you so much for amazing hours,
Lol, husband … got only one.
So what is the controversial video?
You can use fine paint brushes for blending as well.
Black k tends to deaden the liveliness. Using a very dark green or purple would work better.
No boat!
Purple would be a perfect transition . It would create an opposite and help with tricking your eyes to see reflection.
Everyone says you’re not supposed to blow pastels into the air.
Yes, not the best practice. But I am working on a flat surface for recording purposes.