Live Lessons: "Train" - Line and Wash
About This Lesson Series...
In this lesson series, we create a line and wash (pen and ink with watercolor) image of a unique train.
Lesson 1 (1:03:51)
In lesson one, we draw out the contours with a graphite pencil.
Lesson 2 (1:05:19)
In lesson two, we begin with pen and ink applications on the train.
Lesson 3 (1:02:20)
In lesson three, we complete the ink applications on the train and begin adding cast shadow underneath.
Lesson 4 (1:07:12)
In lesson four, we begin adding pen and ink applications to the background.
Lesson 5 (1:03:30)
In lesson five, we complete the pen and ink drawing and begin with light watercolor washes.
Lesson 6 (1:04:41)
In lesson six, we continue with watercolor washes, working our way down to the train and foreground.
Lesson 7 (1:15:15)
In lesson seven, we complete the image by addressing the people in front of the buildings.

Resources for this Lesson...
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Here's what you'll need...
- Graphite Pencil (H)
- 140 lb Hot Press Watercolor Paper
- Technical Drawing Pens or Nib Pens
- Kneaded Eraser
- Watercolor Paints
- Nylon Brushes
- Gouache (optional)
I’m so happy you decided to draw a train. Synchronically I had picked an image of a train to draw… I prefer your image and can’t wait to get started. Thank you!
Matt, for lesson 3, did you mean to write July 8th (Wednesday), or is it July 9th?
It should be July 8 – I’ve made the change.
Matt, can you spell the name of the pens you’ll be using? Thanks
Hi Peter,
The name of the pens I’m using are by “Staedtler”.
Matt, would you use this approach if you were to use colored markers or with water color pencils? I don’t have any water colors yet.
Hi Peter,
No, the approach would be different for colored pencils and watercolor pencils. I wouldn’t use any ink for colored pencils or watercolor pencils. I would apply these mediums directly in layers and skip pen and ink applications all together.
I think this stand on it’s own as just ink drawing I really like it. One other thing I wanted to ask and that’s whether or not you do any digital in Photoshop or other apps? I’m full of questions today!
Hi Peter,
Yes, I agree. You could push this drawing just a little more and it would definitely work as a pen and ink drawing. We have a few lessons on Photoshop and other apps. There is the course, “Basic Photoshop for Artists” and then there are a few lessons here..
I hope this helps.
I am watching this a bit late, but this live stream, video, whatever you want to call it was amazing! I sat and watched through the whole thing without getting up. It was pretty cool!
Matt, I noticed that the video download isn’t available anymore, was there a problem? Just curious!
Hi Peter,
The download links have unfortunately been removed. We had no choice but to do so since this feature was being abused. You can learn more about why we made this difficult decision here..
I figured it might be reason #3. A few bad apples ruin it for the rest of us. I appreciated the ability to download because I set up a little room in the back of the house to draw and I don’t have internet back there and the laptop I’m using is very old and doesn’t have wi-fi. I’ll figure something out. Thanks!
Matt, I’m thinking of dipping my toes in watercolor and I wanted to know what the difference is between the Windsor Newton Pro and what they call Cotman color?
Hi Peter,
There is a difference. I have found the Cotman watercolors to be of high quality, however some colors seem a little too bright. I guess the best way to describe it is that some colors in the Cotman line seem less natural than those in the Pro line. I use both product lines and have found success with both. The Cotman colors just need a little more layering and perhaps some muting before looking natural.
Thanks Matt! It sounds like a new video perhaps.
Hi there. I teach little kids, and when I draw with them online, I sometimes do 2 at a time showing them how to draw lightly but also drawing darker just so they can see better.
Hi Matt, I hate to bother you again but you mention you will be using Stonehedge paper what brand do you use and what is stonehedgr paper. Does it come in different weights?
I want to get ready for the next live session and hopefully catch it live for a change.
Thanks again for your support.
I once heard that if you mix the same amount of Complementary colors, you will get this right?