Live Lessons: Line and Wash - Boat on Water

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This lesson series features:
Over 10 Hours of Instruction
10 Videos

About This Lesson Series...

In this lesson series, we create a line and wash (watercolor and pen and ink) image of a boat on an old dock. Pen and ink and watercolor are applied to hot pressed watercolor paper.

Lesson 1 (1:08:14)

In lesson one, we discuss the materials and begin drawing the contours of the boat.

Lesson 2 (1:04:43)

In lesson two, we begin with pen and ink applications.

Lesson 3 (1:05:26)

In lesson three, we continue with pen and ink applications.

Lesson 4 (1:12:40)

In lesson four, we complete preliminary pen and ink applications.

Lesson 5 (1:02:53)

In lesson five, we begin with light watercolor washes.

Lesson 6 (1:15:12)

In lesson six, we begin layering detailed watercolor washes and increasing contrast.

Lesson 7 (1:05:06)

In lesson seven, we work on the details on the boat, including the figures.

Lesson 8 (1:13:45)

In lesson eight, we darken the hull of the boat and begin work on the reflection in the water.

Lesson 9 (1:03:28)

In lesson nine, we begin painting the dock and address the figure on the plank.

Lesson 10 (1:22:52)

In lesson ten, we complete the painting.

Line and Wash - Boat on the Water

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Finished Result

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Lesson Discussion

    • Guilty is not the word I would use. I do feel like I missed an opportunity to spend some time doing something that enriches my daily life. Just like going for a walk for example. There are so many things to do in any given day; perhaps we need to make a standing appointment for every day time doing art. 🙂

  1. Hi Matt,
    What size Grumbacher brushes would you recommend for this lesson? I have only two (the 0 and 4 used in colored pencils plus). Just a quick look at this lesson makes it seem like it is a good idea to have a few more sizes on hand. Thank you!

  2. What? There is no purple in Germany? Well we have lilac, purple, violet, something called Flieder, with is your lilac… we have Brombeere, with is Blackberry, we have aubergine..and so on. But i have to admitt, that there is no sharp destination between lilac and purple. I call it blue violet and red violet…

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