Give the Gift of Art Instruction

"When people have come to our house and seen the work that has been done, I always tell them that this is the result of becoming a member of your community at the Virtual Instructor website and that Matt is without question the best instructor that I have ever had for any subject." - Michael
The video production, instructional e-books, and teaching on your site are top-notch. I also very much appreciate the Member’s Minute critique area - I’ve learned a great deal about composition and technique from watching these. My drawing skills have improved immensely from your instruction and exercises. You provide a genuinely valuable and excellent service. - Roger
"Hi Matt, I just wanted to express how grateful I am for this magical, happy place you have created! To me, the Virtual Instructor is so much more than art instruction...I can't tell you how much time I enjoy here and how much you inspire me as a budding artist! You're just brilliant! Thank you" -Helen
"You have opened a new door in my life. Your teaching has made me realize how the sky is the limit...You have changed my life" -Sally