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[two_third]Our members love it!

"Great lesson(s) and techniques! It is quite useful to see a professional explain how things are done. Thank you!" -Miguel

"The Colored Pencil course is outstanding! I had no idea how vivid colored pencils could be, or how much fun they could be to work with. I decided to try out the grid method (from the colored pencil course) to help me break the photo into small bits, to focus on a section at a time. And wow! The grid method really works great! This is my third colored pencil drawing ever and I can't believe I actually did this." -"SkyRiverBlue"

"Simple straight to the point, just the basics-the perfect foundations for excellence. Learning already." -Aaron

"Hi Matt. I just signed up last week and I’ve already spent like 7 hours on the site. It is awesome. I’m taking the drawing course now and loving it. I’m actually making marks that look like something. I’m thrilled. Thank you for such an awesome site!" -Christi

"Wow did you make my day. Suddenly I get it." -Diana

"Thank you so much Matt. You are such a great teacher." -Christine

"I became a member last week and I am very impressed with the videos and instruction so far. These beginner videos explaining the “how” of drawing are exactly what I need to understand how an artist translates a 3 dimensional object onto 2 dimensional space. I’m looking forward to everything coming up!" -Sharon

"I was pleasantly surprised and excited when I called for help with my login today, I actually got to talk to you in person over the phone, instead of a recording. I have looked all over the internet for a course to teach art. Yours is by far the best in virtual instruction, videos, books, and now I add Human resources, that I have ever found and especially for the price. Thank you Matt for all you do!!!!!" -Donna[/two_third][one_third_last]

How many courses can I take?

You can take ALL of the courses. They are all included with membership, there's nothing more to buy.

How long has this program been around? was started in 2010 and has progressively grown since then. Content available to members is the result of countless hours of hard work and a love of teaching.

Why is this program so inexpensive compared to similar art instruction programs?

This program is different for a number of reasons - price is just one of them. My goal is to provide high quality art instruction to as many people as possible. Keeping the price affordable allows me to do this. I simply love to teach (and make art) and the more students I can help - the better.

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